domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

O perfil psicológico do Sam e avaliação psicológica do Dean

Leiam em baixo dois artigos que o site BuddyTV pulbicou onde nos explicam o perfil psicológico do Sam e do Dean.

When the Winchesters went into a psychiatric hospital on Supernatural, they weren't just facing a Wraith, they were facing their own psyches.  They may have gone a little cuckoo, but "Sam, Interrupted" was one of the more psychological episodes of Supernatural, exploring the root causes behind Sam and Dean's actions.

For Sam, the episode revealed that his rage and violent outbursts aren't connected to drinking demon blood, they're much deeper.  This makes sense because, if you're looking for the cause of Sam's current psyche, it goes back long before he met Ruby.

Sam's issues can be traced back to childhood, and they are in the inevitable result of Dean's Hero Complex.  He was always the little brother, the one who needed to be protected and sheltered.  Dean was raised by John, for better or for worse, but Sam never really got the chance to know either of his parents.  Instead, he was raised by Dean, and Dean's willingness to sacrifice everything for Sam prevented Sam from being able to face reality on his own.

He tried to go out into the world and find his own place, but as soon as he fell in love with Jessica, she was killed by Azazel.  Sam's one attempt at finding his own way in life ended in tragedy, and since he was shielded as much as possible as a child, he couldn't fully handle the trauma.

Instead, Sam lashed out.  Like a jack in the box, he exploded and channeled all of his rage outwardly onto demons.  Dean is aware enough of how crappy their lot in life is to turn to booze and women to dull the pain, but repressed Sammy takes out his frustrations on others.

Basically, whether its Dean's boozing and womanizing or Sam's uncontrollably rage, the root cause is abandonment from their father.  As awesome as John Winchester was, he wasn't the most emotionally available father.

He forced Dean to grow up too quickly, and as a result, he inadvertently allowed Sam never to grow up at all.  The result is two brothers with wildly different approaches to handling their daddy issues.  For Sam, that happens to be killing as many demons as possible as violently as possible.

I hate to break it to him, but no matter how many monsters he ganks, his daddy will never come back to comfort him.  Unless he builds a field of dreams.


When the Winchesters went into a psychiatric hospital on Supernatural, they weren't just facing a Wraith, they were facing their own psyches.  They may have gone a little cuckoo, but "Sam, Interrupted" was one of the more psychological episodes of Supernatural, exploring the root causes behind Sam and Dean's actions.

For Dean, there are two obvious character flaws.  The first is his compulsion to save everyone and his willingness to sacrifice himself to do it.  The second is the way he copes with that stress: a steady stream of booze and women.

Even though the hot shrink was a Wraith-induced hallucination, she helped reveal some of Dean's inner feelings, particularly when it comes to saving people.  Dean thinks that he needs to save the world, that no one else can do it, and that his own life doesn't really matter.  This is no surprise to fans who've seen him literally sell his own soul to save his brother.

The origins of this Hero Complex are fairly obvious to deduce.  As a young child, one of his first memories was being told to take Sam out of a burning house and save him while his mother died.  John Winchester's frequent absences only continued this pattern, forcing Dean to take complete responsibility for Sam's protection, denying Dean any kind of a childhood.  Ever since, Dean has been conditioned to ignore his own needs and safety for the sake of others.

How does Dean deal with this?  Sex and alcohol.  Just look at "Sam, Interrupted."  The very first thing Dean hallucinates is a sexy woman whose job is to talk to him.  During their first conversation, he also reveals that he only sleeps three or four hours every few nights and that he has somewhere around 50 drinks per week.

The steady stream of sleep deprivation, booze and sex helps to numb the pain, to dull Dean's senses to that he can get through the day.  There's no way anyone can possibly enjoy being the sacrificial savior of humanity, but since Dean doesn't think he is allowed to stop, he has to resort to flirting and drinking to lessen the pain.

When you actually explore Dean's psychology, what you're left with isn't a classic hero, a mythic figure incapable of fault.  Much like the hallucinatory shrink did, Dean is someone to feel sorry for.  He has the hardest job in the world and he can't get out of it.  He really does have the weight of the world on his shoulders.

9 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Estes dois artigos com os perfis dos rapazes estão simplesmente fantásticos...

Azulongmon disse...

Tenho certeza que o artigo é fantástico.Mas cai entre nós, nem todo mundo entende inglês!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

anonimo disse...

este artigo esta uma porcaria

Anónimo disse...

Podiam traduzir os artigos que postam. Assim da muito trabalho para ler,e ca pormim por vezes perco a vontade e ja nem leio..:s

Paulo disse...

Gostei da análise aos perfis de ambas as personagens e são realmente interessantes e fazem-nos pensar em tudo o que aconteceu desde o início da série e no que o Sam e o Dean eram antes e o que são agora, pois ambos se modificarem, principalmente o Sam.

Lili disse...

anónimo se lhe dá trabalho ler imagine nós a o seu problema é preguiça nada podemos fazer ;)

Azulongmon disse...

E depois dizem que eu sou o groseirão...

Lili disse...

azulongmon, adoro quando você diz as coisas pela a kem se refere com esse comentário. espero que n seja a mim. ;)

Azulongmon disse...

Não se preocupe com isso, Lili!