segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

Mais dois vídeos do Jared no EyeCon

Jared durante a sessão de autógrafos

Crédito/Credit to: kaoschic84

Jared e Jensen sofrem partida da equipa (aviso que o vídeo é um pouco estranho de ver )

Transcrição do que foi dito pelo Jared

But you know what, our stand ins got us a couple episodes ago now that I remember. It's the oldest trick in the book and I was even kind've wondering why everyone was standing around watching. I was just like "Oh, well! I'll just do it." and it was the uhm...we were looking through binoculars at a the shot is, Jensens in the drivers seat and i'm in the other seat and we have binoculars and the cameras are over here so we've got our binoculars and like look and the first couple of lines we're supposed to stay this way, and so everybody knows that I have black stuff all over my eyes and Jensen does too. But we haven't seen eachother yet. So when I turn around and hes got like black all over his...and he looks like looked like he was wearing black eye shadow like he looked Dracula, very black and he was looking at me like "What the hell?" and so we kinda realized that we had been had. But we'll get them back, we'll get them back.

Crédito/Credit to: xeverybody-else

Fonte/Source: Supernatural Wiki

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...


Partida tipica :D eles devem ter ficado lindos hahaha
Espero bem ver isto nos bloopers, s nao fico mt mas mesmo mt zangada! :D

Como sera q os rapazes se vao vingar ;)