segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

Jared fala de como é morar com o Jensen

Vejam um video do Jared na convenção Eye Con a contar-nos como é viver com o Jensen. Parece que eles vêm TV, dançam, limpam a casa...oh deus! Humor Padaleckiano

Crédito/Credit to: caithream

Transcrição do que o Jared disse:

He lives downstairs, I live up. Yeah, it worked out kinda nice because I bought a house last year you know, and uhm he was living in a place he was renting with his buddy and he got kicked out and so I said c'mon, stay over here. So uh...we dance and cook and clean. We don't, we watch football and go to sleep basically. Some nights it'll be nice we have a little bit of extra lay over. Lay over? Welcome to my world. Uhm a little extra uh...turn around you know, so we'll hang out or play guitar or you know watch...Who does the cooking and the cleaning? Cliff. Our bodyguard! There, I can blame him. He actually does, he'll bring over stuff and like grill, he has a nice little apron. Uh I think we both, I think we both clean. Luckily hes a pretty clean guy. We've always got along, you know we got along from day one so I think we realized, listen we're spending so much time together. Uhm and it's nice because his feelings aren't hurt if I walk in and go like "Dude, get out of here i'm going to sleep." and if he walks..if we walk in and hes like "Dude, I gotta crash." I'm like cool and you know, i'll play nintendo by myself or something...with two tears. But uh, thank you, thank you i'd love that. But it's been nice, it's been nice because we work so hard and we get a chance to work on our stuff and so, it's nice. I'm saying with 7 and a half episodes I do, when I see y'all guys next time I might be like "I'ma buy him his own house" - i'm just kidding. "Get him away from me!" Uhm wheres the mic?

Crédito/Credit to: xeverybody_else

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Oi Lili!
obrigada por ter colocado por escrito o que o Jared falou neste vídeo, pois não falo inglês e não consigo entender o que eles falam nos vídeos...: )
obrigada mesmo!
Carla. Brasil.

Anónimo disse...

ai o video esta o maximo.
o jared e as suas piadas lol de rir
bgd lili por escreveres o k ele dix pois nao se precebe mt bem com tanto barulho.

Unknown disse...

He he

Rute disse...

aquilo deve ser uma parodia. jared+jensen+dois caes. o que eu não dava para ver a festa, LOL.